Contest Teka Duit Syiling

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saje pilih sebab 13 March :D


"Contest Story Pieyaris"

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Contest ends: 11 March 2011
CERITA YANG DITULIS SEMASA MENGANDUNGKAN ANAK SAYA.. Sekarang inilah dia anak yang saya ceritakan kat bawah ni.. Muhammad Emir Rasyid...

Ditulis pada 1 Mac 2006


Dear Sayang,

Kalau nak diikutkan sepanjang ibu mengandungkan sayang, tak pernah ibu rasa setakut, segerun, sengeri semalam. Baby mesti tahu kan sebab apa.

Perut ibu mula meragam semenjak Ahad lepas, tapi tidak lah sehebat apa yang berlaku pada hari Isnin. Bukan niat ibu nak suka-suka MC, sayang pun tahukan kerja ibu macam mana, sehari tak datang, makin tinggi la file-file di meja ibu, bila makin tinggi, makin lambat lah ibu balik pada ofis.

Orang ramai kate, sudah-sudah lah buat keje tu, tumpukan perhatian kepada sayang, tapi hanya kita dua, papa dengan kawan-kawan sepejabat ibu je yang mungkin faham kenape kerje ibu harus disiapkan. Susah ibu nak terangkan, setiap kali ibu dengar ade orang yang beri cadangan, ibu hanya tersenyum, walaupun pada hakikatnya ade kebenaran pada kate-kate mereka.

Semalam sayang rase tak, betapa penatnye ibu keluar masuk bilik air, sampai satu peringkat ibu dah menyerah. Maksud ibu, ibu pakse diri ibu tidur sambil perut ibu sakit. Papa ade sayang, tapi mase tu papa ade kelas, ibu pun tak larat nak dial nombor papa. Ibu ke klinik selepas papa pulang dari kuliah.

Doktor pesan pada ibu, banyakkan minum air sebab badan ibu dah hilang banyak air. Doktor ade juga pesan, ibu tidak dibenarkan minum susu atau any dairy product. Ibu terkejut sebab ibu ingat susu boleh kurangkan sakit. Lagipun susukan makanan penting untuk sayang, mane boleh ibu tinggal.

Selepas jumpa doktor, papa hantar ibu pulang ke rumah dan papa ke UM semula sebab papa tengah pulun menyiapkan kertas kerja untuk persidangan di Sabah, ibu pun tak tau bile. Perut ibu masih memulas, tapi tidak sehebat waktu pagi.

Papa pulang ke rumah mase ibu nyenyak tidur. Kesian papa, ibu tak siapkan ape-ape pun untuk papa. Tapi memang ibu tak larat sayang. Malam tu, ibu bertenaga sikit, boleh borak-borak dengan papa.

Sebelum tidur, seperti biase ibu akan ke bilik air. Terkejut. Ibu memang terkejut, darah mengalir di peha ibu. Tetiba papa menjerit dari bilik kate darah penuh di katil. Ibu pun tak tahu ape puncanya, yang pasti ibu dah mula panik. Darah penuh di katil, darah yang bergumpal, ibu tak sanggup tengok.

Papa cepat-cepat tarik cadar dari katil sebab melihatkan ibu sudah mula mengalirkan air mata, papa tak mahu ibu lihat darah yang masih bergumpal-gumpal di cadar. Papa tutup lampu, ibu dah tak keruan. Papa terus telefon abang papa yang merupakan seorang doktor, malangnya abang papa sudah tidur. Nasib baik isteri abang papa masih terjaga. Papa ceritakan semua. Nasihat Kak yas, mungkin plasenta ibu rendah dan insyaAllah tidak membahayakan sayang.

Tapi sungguh, tiada kata yang dapat menenangkan ibu. Ibu buka lampu dan melihat kesan darah di tilam. Baru ibu tahu betapa banyaknya darah mengalir. Memang banyak. Ibu sudah meronta-ronta, alhamdulillah papa agak tenang dalam situasi tersebut. Papa terus bersihkan darah di tilam dan membaringkan ibu.

Ibu pegang perut ibu. Kenapa sayang senyap? Berkali-kali ibu minta sayang tendang perut ibu, tapi sayang langsung tak respons seperti selalu. Ibu minta sayang bergerak, sedikit pergerakan pun jadilah, tapi sayang senyap.

Papa tenangkan ibu. Ibu bingung. Ibu menangis semahu-mahunya. Ibu ke bilik air lagi, dan masih berdarah. Papa baringkan ibu, tidak lepas tangan ibu walaupun seminit ibu pegang perut ibu. Berkali-kali ibu minta kemaafan dari sayang.

Ibu kate dekat papa, ibu takkan tidur selagi ibu tak dengar sayang tendang perut ibu. Ibu tahu sayang memang aktif, tapi kenape tidak semalam. Lama papa tunggu ibu, mengalir air mata papa. Ibu tak pasti pukul berapa ibu tidur, tapi sebelum ibu melelapkan mate, ibu rasa satu tendangan walaupun tidak sekuat selalu. Alhamdulillah.

Bangun pagi, ibu menangis lagi. Papa kejutkan ibu suruh ibu bersiap berjumpe gynea, tapi ibu mengambil mase terlalu lame untuk menyiapkan diri. Ibu meminta papa tidak bawa ibu berjumpe doktor. Sesungguhnya, ibu amat takut apa akan berlaku. Tapi ibu redha.

Semasa ibu bersiap, papa senyap. Tidak seperti selalu, papa akan usik ibu. Ibu duduk sebelah papa, air mate papa menitik di tangan ibu. Papa pesan pada ibu, kalau ape-ape terjadi, papa minta maaf. Apa salah papa kan sayang? Keadaan agak suram. Darah ibu masih ade tapi tidak sebanyak semalam.

Dalam perjalanan, ibu dan papa banyak melayan perasaan masing-masing. Setibenye ibu di depan hospital, ibu tarik nafas panjang-panjang, panjatkan doa agar semuanya selamat. Ibu pegang tangan papa, ibu minta papa do the talking, sebab ibu tak mampu nak berkate ape-ape.

Papa tanye ibu, sayang tendang tak. Ibu jawab tak walaupun ade sedikit tendangan. Ibu tak rase itu tendangan dari sayang, ibu rase macam satu perasaan untuk sedapkan hati ibu.

Tiba mase ibu jumpe doktor, ibu terus bercerita ape yang berlaku semalam. Doktor periksa darah ibu. Baik. Doktor periksa urine ibu. Baik cume terlebih gula. Doktor pesan pada ibu, kalau tak nampak uri, doktor terpakse melakukan sesuatu pade ibu. Ibu senyap. Doktor minta ibu baring di katil. Mate ibu terus lekat di skrin. Dan, perkara pertama ibu nampak, jantung sayang berdegup. Itulah senyuman ikhlas yang pertama dari ibu sejak semalam.

Doktor kate, sayang sihat, tiada ape yang perlu dirisaukan, cume ibu terpaksa diberikan beberapa ubat untuk kembalikan kekuatan plasenta ibu. Doktor tunjuk setiap bahagian sayang. Ibu tengok sayang makin membesar. Jelas ibu dapat lihat tulang rusuk sayang, tulang belakang dan mate. Paling membuatkan kami ketawa apabila tangan sayang berada di kepala seperti orang tengah berfikir. Mungkin sayang pening layan ibu kan. Yang pasti doktor dapat lihat uri. Papa tersenyum. Betullah sayang, ibu lupa ape berlaku semalam. Sejuk hati ibu. Sejuk hati papa.

Keluar dari pintu bilik doktor, papa dan ibu kembali normal seperti biase. Kami berdua beterusan komen tentang rupe sayang. Satu ciuman lekat di dahi ibu. Kami bersyukur, Allah makbulkan doa kami.

Sepanjang perjalanan berterusan kami bercerita mengenai kejadian semalam, rupanya papa hampir pitam bile tengok darah ibu bergumpal-gumpal. Papa bising sebab ibu kate sayang tak tendang perut ibu. Ibu bising sebab papa tidur awal dan papa kene tunaikan nazar untuk berpuasa 7 hari jika segalanya selamat.

Sayang, ketahuilah bahawa adanya sayang mengeratkan lagi hubungan papa dan ibu. Adanya sayang, hidup lebih bermakna, lebih berisi. Dan percayalah bahawa kasih papa dan ibu tiada penghujungnya. 


My1st Getaway

It supposed to be our secret, but it seems interesting to be shared to enter this contest, mane tau menang kan. On how We become US.. 

The story begins..

Hari Raya hujung tahun 2000

I still remember where did the PC was located at my house, those who came over to my house, it was upstairs, at the end of the corner, in the living room, beside the sliding door. Last time, it was very hard for us (my siblings) to log on to the Internet because my parents placed the computer in their room. (Note: Last time we only have one computer) To be exact, it was hard to chat.

But im not sure why my parents moved the computer to the living room, and of course it was a happy news for us. Honestly, i was not a big fan of IRC, i ONLY entered into #unipet or #bitara channels only . Oh, YM was not popular though (FB ape tah lagi kan). For me, i preferred to chat with people whom i know the background rather than a stranger.

On the other hand, my Dearie (sekarang ni husband I lah), seriously NOT interested in chatting, hehe he is a computer freak!!! He said up to that date, he never involved in online chatting, not even entered into the chatroom.

But, on that date, end of 2000, i entered into IRC and as usual i would joined #unipet and #bitara. Usually, i would used InEsZ as my nickname but i guess at that time i was too bored, you know when you used InEsZ, nobody bothered to chat with you, so i changed my nick to AreMieRa and as i expected ramai yang tegor.

One of them is AchikMelaka (not sure whether the spelling is correct), so i chatted with him quite few hours. Nothing interesting happened, but before i ended the session, i told him, (opss i already know its him not her :) i would not be here anymore because i would be back to kampung the next day for hari raya. Hehe, i was not so sure what was his feeling but ME, abosulutely nothing!! So, our meeting ended there.

The next day, my parents postponed the plan to go back to Gerik on that day, so late at night as usual, i log on to the Internet, checking my email and joined the IRC specifically
#unipet and #bitara. Using the same nickname, AchikMelaka caught me for the second time, and again we chatted quite few hours again. Oh, from there i already know he was studying in UTM Skudai- mechatronic then converted to EE, from Melaka, using the nick because his niece and nephew called him achik, have a CAR.. hahah, i guess that was the reason :p and joined #unipet to look for his friend - Abang Kabi (his my senior in UTP - his friend in STAR). What else, that time he was 20 years old, dulu sekolah STAR.

We stopped when i was already too sleepy, and before we finished our last sentence, i didnt understand how on earth i gave him my phone number. I NEVER have an experience giving my phone number to strangers and we exchanged the phone numbers but i just ignored it and closed the window. That's it!!

One month after the chat session..

Hmm, that time i was already in UTP, was preparing to attend to a class when suddenly i received a call from mmm someone that i dont know. Seriously, i couldnt remember him at all and he was trying his best to introduce himself. Alas, baru teringat siapakah gerangannya.

After the first call, i couldnt wait to receive the second call from him, and while i was watching Bring It On, hehe the Mission Impossible tone broke the silence. Guess what, only the first call, i already assigned the tone for him. And from there, our phone bill raised like hell, it gave me more freedom to call him especially when i subscribed to fixed line. Oh, i "bought" the fixed line from Ujie's bro and it was not a good decision since part of my scholarship contributes to TMTOUCH.

For one year, we never met each other, not even exhange photos, only phones thighten up our relationship. We shared the same jokes, the same laughter, the same pain but both of us never confessed that we already fall in love with each other but of course we understand it!! Gile ke, jumpe pun tak pernah, tengok gambar pun tak pernah..

Oh ya, i remembered during 1 April 2001, April Fool, I was just joking with him about feelings and emotions and he was so mad. Tak leh cakap la ape die, but from there, i know something is going on, and daku tak tepuk sebelah tangan. Huhu..

Bill still melambung..

22 December 2001

He decided to meet me, but i was too afraid to meet a stranger, so i asked him to meet me at my house since that time it was still Hari Raya season, so i felt more secured because my parents was around. I thought he was not brave to directly meet my parents but hmm i was wrong. So he came over to my house after performed Maghrib prayer, and when i opened the gate, hatiku berdegup dengan kencang especially he bring along another two friends. i did nt know which one was him even though Ain and Najah already described him earlier (He met Najah and Ain (my friends) before he met me).

When three of them were crossing the road, a car stopped by and it was Iryani Md Noor, whom i dint meet her for almost 3 years. So, i shouted without realizing three of them were coming towards me and staring at us.. Hehe.. Yani, you witnessed the first time i was eye to eye with him. :p

He introduced himself, and cepat-cepat suruh derang masuk rumah. Honestly, i was too shy, so its better they talked with my parents rather than me. Quickly, i caught my sisters and they were laughing and laughing after i told which is Emran. Haha.. From the beginning, he already shows he loves CAMERA and we have collection of pictures since the first day we met!! here is the pic - first time meeting him.. hehe Biaselaa malu-malu.

25 December 2001

To be short, we declared as ehem ehem exactly three days after our first meeting. Haha. Funny-funny. And i never told my mum the whole story until i make a decision to make him as part of my entire life. Baba geleng kepala, Mama said, i already know it, you dont have to tell, still puzzled how did my mum realized it.. Yeah, mum's know better. Since he becomes my bubbly cutie honey, honestly, i never know how to do programming :p mostly i did the documentation.. And thats the reason why i was not that confident to involve in IT world.

During our courtship, yes, he is not that type of person to chat, we rarely chatted even through YM, he prefers to call rather than chatting and HE NEVER ENTERED MIRC, when i asked him to join IRC he never agreed. Fate. He meets me via IRC. :)

Alhamdullilah, Allah has send me a person who really loves me although the way we know each other was a bit risky but that is fate written from Allah. At first, i was disappointed because i was not been selected to further my study abroad, really disappointed. And now i understand, why Allah has placed me to UTP, there was a story for me. :) I always remind my sisters not to follow my steps because it is dangerous to find a good people in the channel. And know we already become husband and wife and we really look forward to treasure all the momments together.

Credit to: MIRC and UTP and to whom who introduced #unipet


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3) itu je, xyah susah2 :D


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Lucky Draw Ratu Tupperware

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nak tau hadiahnya ape??
mesti la barangan tupperware...

Tarik tutup penyertaaan adalah pada
7.03.11 (Isnin)
jam 4.30pm

Nadya Bubble Give-Away !

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Contest ends: TODAY...

Kalau menang hadiah best - best...

CKIN2U For Him (1)
CKIN2U For Her (1)

aDieyZa BirthDaY GiVe aWaY!!

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hadiah apa yg korang akan bagi kat pasangan(suami/isteri/tunang/gf/bf) masa pertama kali celebrate birthday pasangan & bagitau sekali reason kenapa korang nak bagi hadiah tu..

Saya nak bagi sejadah.. sebab sejadah tu akan jadi bukti, selama mane kite kawin, selama mane kite akan gune sejadah tu.. bile sejadah tu dah makin lusuh di bahagian kite sujud.. itu tandanya, betapa lamenya kite dah bersama tempuh kehidupan bersama

Contest ends: 20 Jan 11
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